We've been doing this for over 10 years locally)

Locomotion Longboarding, as they call it, officially became a student organization this semester. Matt Chavez, the club's founder and president, said the club got started when he and a few of his close friends found a common bond with the sport.
Click here for MORE on this story

We Skate the SLO TOWN parking structures the last sunday NITE 8PM of every month, come find us every time there is something different and new that we introduce. All abilities are encouraged and welcome. I personally like to skate with girls or when my bros like to go fast. We usually bring a quiver of extra boards to try something different. Stay tuned for the commercial we filmed at the last SK8Nite, thanks to all that participated (about 18 girls and guys)
Post a comment on your SK8Nite experience.
I look forward to sk18 with you next time.
We had SK8NITE the other night and my old roommate/photographer buddy came out to shoot us SK18:

This is Charlie on the right, Jason in the back, and me on the left. There is a couple other skaters in the back ground. There was a bunch of us doing runs. We had FUN.
You should come out and skate with us.

This is Gavin Miller he just won this Rootamental Mini Conkave deck in a raffle thing.
He is stoked to get a Rootamental-Its What We Ride Around Here.
For more photos from this night Check out:

(click around his site for some other cool shots too)
We are planning another SK8NITE next month and are gonna try some other FUN stuff so contact us or check out future posts.