Long before the Irons brothers roamed Kauai's North Shore, the surfer's road to paradise was paved by hippies who'd had enough of Vietnam and the capitalist society, and decided to move as far away as possible, to a place where they hoped nobody would find them. The North Shore of Kauai was as idyllic and remote as it gets in this country, and it just happened to have uncrowded world-class waves as well. As surfers began to hear about this paradise at the end of the road, and after SURFER magazine featured a story on the place, small communities of hippies began to develop on Kauai. The documentary focuses on this first wave of hippies, who found paradise on a little stretch of beach known as Taylor Camp. The film features interviews with the actual hippies who lived there in the beginning and the eventual end of taylor camp in 1977. The interviews are very recent, so the once youthful naked hippies in the film are now some of the most entertaining senior citizens on earth. The film also features a stunning collection of black and white photographs taken by John Wehrheim, which really bring the place to life. Watch the official trailer for the film below and check out the website for the film here: taylorcampkauai.com